Profile PictureАнастасія Фалілеєва

Подбати про себе / Take care of yourself animated short

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Подбати про себе / Take care of yourself animated short


Hi my name is Anastasia Falileieva, I’m an animation director from Ukraine.

I left my work and escaped from my home in Kyiv because of #russianInvasion . It’s extremely hard to be mentally stable during #russianwaragainstukraine . I decided to make short animation with some tips how to help yourself to stay calm, strong, and reduce anxiety. I make this video in collaboration with 100%life and Твій сімейний лікар (Your family doctor). Also by this short animation I want to raise money for Ukrainian filmmakers who are bravely documenting the events of the war in Ukraine right now . You can donate any amount of money.

I will send 80 percent to charity and 20 percent will be used to pay for my needs, rent and food.

Please share, thank you for your support.

Please contact me via email for additional information:

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With your donation you will help Ukrainian filmmakers during the war. Thank you!

1.21 MB
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